Galganov's Easy Recipe for the Classic
The Background Story ... also known as the "Club Sandwich" or the "Double-Decker Sandwich", (and sometimes as a "Triple-Decker Club Sandwich - although this is, actually, a misnomer as the Triple-Decker would have four slices of bread) this big sandwich is a real treat! The shortest possible description: "A BLT stacked on top of a chicken sandwich - sharing the middle slice of bread." The whole story: Some will toast it - some won't. Some will use mustard - some won't. Some will use mayonnaise - some won't. Some will butter the bread - some won't. Some will use cheese - some won't. There is the Friday Club Sandwich (we haven't figured out precisely what that is), the California Club Sandwich (any triple-decker with avocado, it seems) ... it's getting confusing! We prefer (what we believe to be) the traditional - a simple Club Sandwich prepared with Chicken (could be boiled, bar-b-qued, rotisseried [broiled on a rotating spit], roasted ... or prepared any way you prefer) or turkey. Some even use cold-cut style processed chicken or turkey loaf - others will not. Still some use beef or pork. We still think this is a chicken or turkey sandwich all mayo (and we will sometimes substitute mayo with mustard on the first slice) - stacked under a BLT. Using our bacon substitutes, this falls into the kosher/hallal style of foods ... and can be made kosher or hallal through the purchase of appropriate, available products. We use bacon styled turkey or chicken product. A vegetarian might choose to use a combination of seitan and tofu products as texture and flavour substitutes. A vegan might use a hummus spread - very light in garlic ... or a thin spread of baba ganoush in place of mayonnaise. We have not, yet, tried such sandwich combinations. Break rules - have fun with your sandwich. After all, it's yours, not ours! Even if "we" don't think it a "club sandwich", you may find the next, great, "Double-Decker"! This is our preferred "traditional clubhouse" sandwich. With a plate of slaw, some fries and a quarter or even a half of a sour dill pickle - that's a traditional, deli-prepared "Club Sandwich" [described in a menu as] A double-decker or triple-decker sandwich with chicken, bacon, lettuce and tomato. Restaurants serving the Jewish community simply dropped the bacon - sometimes varying the name. At a point, every double- or triple-decker combo, including an "egg" variation, became a club sandwich. So? Make your own "club sandwich" history - but don't forget to enjoy our traditional preparation too! Do you LOVE the sandwich? Get it as a wallpaper for your display @! |